Welcome to the pyhonradex documentation!


pythonradex is a python re-implementation of the RADEX code [vanderTak07]. It solves the radiative transfer for a uniform medium in non-LTE using the Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) method in combination with an escape probability formalism. The code can be used to quickly estimate the emission from an astrophysical gas given input parameters such as the density and kinetic temperature of the collision partners, the column density of the gas and width of the emission lines.

pyhonradex also provides a convenient method to read files from the LAMDA database.


Note that pythonradex requires python 3. pythonradex can be installed by downloading the package from github at https://github.com/gica3618/pythonradex. Then, in a terminal, change into the directory containing the setup.py file. Install by typing

python setup.py install

You might need to run this command with root privileges. Also, an active internet connection might be necessary to download package dependencies. After the installation finished, you may test that everything works by typing

python setup.py test

This will run the unit tests of the package.


Radiative transfer

Let us consider a typical example of how pyhonradex is used. Note that all input should be in SI units. Assume you want to compute the emission of a spherical CO cloud. First, let’s import the necessary modules:

>>> from pythonradex import nebula, helpers
>>> from scipy import constants
>>> import numpy as np

pyhonradex needs a file containing the atomic data. Download the file for CO from the LAMDA database. We need to tell pyhonradex where the file is located:

>>> datafilepath = 'path/to/file/co.dat'

We need to define the geometry of the nebula. Let’s consider a uniform sphere:

>>> geometry = 'uniform sphere'

See the detailed documentation of the nebula class below for more details on the available geometries. We need to set the kinetic temperature, total colum density of the molecule, line profile type (rectangular or Gaussian) and width of the emission lines in velocity space:

>>> Tkin = 150
>>> Ntot = 1e16/constants.centi**2
>>> line_profile = 'rectangular'
>>> width_v = 2*constants.kilo

Next, we need to tell pyhonradex the density of the collision partner(s). This is implemented as a dictionary. For example, let’s assume that the density of ortho- and para-H2 is 100 cm-3 and 250 cm-3 respecitvely:

>>> coll_partner_densities = {'para-H2':100/constants.centi**3,

Finally, we need to define the background radiation field. A function representing the the CMB can be generated with the helpers module, so one could simply do:

>>> ext_background = helpers.generate_CMB_background(z=0)

where z is the redshift. For no background, the zero background function is already defined in the helpers module:

>>> ext_background = helpers.zero_background

A custom background field is also possible. For example, let’s assume we want to add the radiation from a star that is 100 au from the cloud, has an effective temperature of 6000 K and the same radius as the Sun. We would then define:

>>> R_Sun = 6.957e8
>>> T_Sun = 6000
>>> cloud_star_distance = 100*constants.au
>>> star_solid_angle = R_Sun**2*np.pi/cloud_star_distance**2

>>> CMB_background = helpers.generate_CMB_background(z=0)
>>> def star_and_CMB_background(nu):
        I_star = helpers.B_nu(nu=nu,T=T_Sun)*star_solid_angle/(4*np.pi)
        return I_star + CMB_background(nu)

>>> ext_background = star_and_CMB_background

where the Planck function defined in the helpers module is used.

Now we can initialise the object that is used to solve the radiative transfer:

>>> example_nebula = nebula.Nebula(

To solve, simply do:

>>> example_nebula.solve_radiative_transfer()

This will determine the non-LTE level populations. To print out the results to the terminal, you can do:

>>> example_nebula.print_results()
    up   low      nu [GHz]    T_ex [K]      poplow         popup          tau_nu0
    1    0     115.271202      14.89       0.240349       0.497337       0.563937
    2    1     230.536998       8.15       0.497337       0.213312        1.86095
    3    2     345.798390       8.15       0.213312      0.0389656       0.840553
    4    3     461.040389      11.53      0.0389656     0.00734716       0.143253
    5    4     576.265992      17.68     0.00734716     0.00187956      0.0242838
    6    5     691.475202      24.03     0.00187956    0.000558413     0.00576141
    7    6     806.650034      29.21    0.000558413    0.000171229     0.00165335


Here, ‘up’ and ‘low’ are the indices of the upper and lower level of the transition respectively (0 for the lowest level), ‘nu’ is the frequency, ‘T_ex’ the excitation temperature, ‘poplow’ and ‘popup’ the fracitional populations of the lower and upper level respectively, and ‘tau_nu0’ the optical depth at the line centre.

The nebula object has now a number of attributes that contain the result of the calculation. For example, to access the excitation temperature of the third transition (as listed in the LAMDA datafile; note that the first index is 0), you can do:

>>> example_nebula.Tex[2]

Similarly, for the fractional population of the 4th level, do:

>>> example_nebula.level_pop[3]

And for the optical depth at the rest frequency of the lowest transition:

>>> example_nebula.tau_nu0[0]

Now we want to calculate the flux recorded by the telescope. Define the solid angle of the source:

>>> d_observer = 20*constants.parsec
>>> source_radius = 3*constants.au
>>> source_solid_angle = source_radius**2*np.pi/d_observer**2

Then calculate the observed fluxes:

>>> example_nebula.compute_line_fluxes(solid_angle=source_solid_angle)

Now we can access the flux of each line in W/m2 (the emission spectrum of each line in W/m2/Hz is also available). To get the flux of the second transition:

>>> example_nebula.obs_line_fluxes[1]

Reading a file from the LAMDA database

pythonradex also provides a useful function to read data files from the LAMDA database. Let’s see how it can be used:

>>> from pythonradex import LAMDA_file
>>> datafilepath = 'path/to/datafile/co.dat'
>>> data = LAMDA_file.read(datafilepath,read_frequencies=True)

The data is stored in a dictionary containing all levels, radiative transitions and collisional transitions.:

>>> levels = data['levels']
>>> rad_transitions = data['radiative transitions']
>>> coll_transitions = data['collisional transitions']

Lets first look at the levels. This is a list containing all atomic energy levels (as instances of the Level class, see Radiative transfer) listed in the file. It is ordered the same way as in the file. Let’s access the statistical weight, energy, and number of the 3rd level as an example (note that the index is 0–based):

>>> levels[2].g
>>> levels[2].E
>>> levels[2].number

Similarly, the radiative transitions are stored in a list, also ordered as they appear in the file. Each element of the list is an instance of the RadiativeTransition class (see Reading LAMDA files). Let’s see how many radiative transitions there are:

>>> len(rad_transitions)

Let’s look at a random transition:

>>> rad_trans = rad_transitions[10]

We can access the upper and lower level of the transition. These are instance of the Level class:

>>> rad_trans.up.g
>>> rad_trans.low.E

Let’s look at some of the other attributes of this transition such as frequency, energy difference and Einstein coefficients:

>>> rad_trans.nu0
>>> rad_trans.Delta_E
>>> rad_trans.A21

For a list of all attributes available, see Reading LAMDA files. We can also compute the excitation temperature of the transition for given fractional populations of the lower and upper level:

>>> rad_trans.Tex(x1=0.3,x2=0.1)

One can also give numpy arrays as input:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x1 = np.array((0.1,0.5,0.15))
>>> x2 = np.array((0.05,0.1,0.07))
>>> rad_trans.Tex(x1=x1,x2=x2)
array([77.54831896, 35.76026851, 71.27683026])

Finally, let’s have a look at the collisional transitions. This is a dictionary containing the transitions for each collision partner. Let’s see which collision partners are present:

>>> coll_transitions.keys()
dict_keys(['ortho-H2', 'para-H2'])

Let’s look at collisions with ortho-H2. This is a list with instances of the CollisionalTransition class (see Reading LAMDA files). How many collisional transitions are there? Let’s see:

>>> len(coll_transitions['ortho-H2'])

Similarly to the radiative transition, there are a number of attributes we can access. Let’s look at a randomly chosen transition:

>>> coll_trans = coll_transitions['ortho-H2'][99]
>>> coll_trans.up.number
>>> coll_trans.low.g
>>> coll_trans.Delta_E
>>> coll_trans.name

Again, see Reading LAMDA files to get all attributes. Like for radiative transitions, one can calculate the excitation temperature. In addition, one can get the collisional transition rates. The LAMDA data file provides these rates at specific temperatures. Here we can request an interpolated rate at any temperature within the limits defined in the file:

>>> coll_trans.coeffs(Tkin=100.5)
{'K12': 2.482531512243176e-19, 'K21': 6.471544702688003e-18}

Numpy arrays are also allowed as input:

>>> Tkin = np.array((52.3,70.4,100.2,150.4))
>>> coll_trans.coeffs(Tkin=Tkin)
{'K12': array([6.88962883e-21, 4.64696381e-20, 2.45276980e-19, 9.61110252e-19]),
'K21': array([5.93161938e-18, 6.13652817e-18, 6.46702134e-18, 7.11359510e-18])}

Negative optical depth

As discussed in [vanderTak07], for certain parameters (“especially low density and/or strong radiation field”, [vanderTak07]), negative optical depth can arise due to a level population inversion. This requires non-local treatement of the radiative transfer, which is not possible with pyhonradex. The results should still be valid, though less accurate, for optical depths only slightly negative (\(\tau_\nu\gtrsim-0.1\)). However, the results for more strongly negative optical depths should be ignored [vanderTak07]. pyhonradex prints a warning if the solution contains negative optical depths.

Radiative transfer theory


We briefly discuss basic theory of radiative transfer that is relevant for pyhonradex. A more detailed discussion can for example be found in [Rybicki04].

The radiation field in every point of space can be described by the specific intensity \(I_{\nu}\), defined as the energy radiated per unit of time, surface, frequency and solid angle, i.e., \(I_{\nu}\) has units of W/m2/sr/Hz. The differential equation describing the change of the specific intensity along a spatial coordinate \(s\) is given by

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}I_\nu}{\mathrm{d}s} = -\alpha_\nu I_\nu + j_\nu\]

Here, \(\alpha_\nu\) is the absorption coefficient in m-1. It describes how much is removed from the beam per unit length. On the other hand, the emission coefficient \(j_\nu\) is the energy emitted per unit time, solid angle, volume and frequency. Defining the optical depth as \(\mathrm{d}\tau_\nu=\alpha_\nu\mathrm{d}s\), we can rewrite the equation as

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}I_\nu}{\mathrm{d}\tau_\nu} = -I_\nu + S_\nu\]

with the source function \(S_\nu=\frac{j_\nu}{\alpha_\nu}\). In general, the goal of radiative transfer is to solve this equation. For example, for a uniform medium (the emission and absorption coefficients are the same everywhere) as assumed for pythonradex, the solution reads \(I_\nu=I_\nu(0)e^{-\tau_\nu}+S_\nu(1-e^{-\tau_\nu})\).

Gas emission

Next, let’s consider radiation from a gas. An atom can spontaneously emit a photon when it transits from an upper to a lower energy level. The transition rate is given by the Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission, \(A_{21}\), in units of s-1. Thus, we can write the emission coefficient of the gas as

\[j_\nu = \frac{h\nu_0}{4\pi}n_2A_\mathrm{21}\phi_\nu\]

where \(h\) is the Planck constant, \(\nu_0\) is the central frequency of the transition, \(n_2\) is the number density of atoms in the upper level of the transition and \(\phi_\nu\) is the normalised line profile (i.e. \(\int\phi_\nu\mathrm{d}\nu=1\) and \(\phi_\nu\) describes how the energy is distributed over frequency), for example a Gaussian. Photons can also be absorbed with a transition from a lower to an upper energy level. This process is parametrised by the Einstein \(B_{12}\) coefficient. Defining the mean intensity \(J_\nu\) as the follwing mean over solid angle:

\[J_\nu = \frac{1}{4\pi}\int I_\nu \mathrm{d}\Omega\]

and \(\bar{J}=\int J_\nu\phi_\nu\mathrm{d}\nu\) the mean over the line profile, the transition rate for absorption is \(B_{12}\bar{J}\), i.e. the transition rate is proportional to the flux of incoming photons. There is a third process, called stimulated emission, that results in the emission of a photon (and a transition from an upper to a lower level) when the atom interacts with an incoming photon. The rate for stimulated emission is \(B_{21}\bar{J}\). The absorption coefficient can be then be written [Rybicki04]

\[\alpha_\nu = \frac{h\nu_0}{4\pi}(n_1B_{12}-n_2B_{21})\phi_\nu\]

with \(n_1\) the number density of atoms in the lower level. Thus, stimulated emission is treated as ‘negative absorption’.

Therefore, in order to compute the emission and absorption coefficients and solve the radiative transfer equation, we need to know the level population, i.e. the fraction of atoms occupying the different energy levels. Actually, using relations between the Einstein coefficients [Rybicki04], it can easily be shown that the source function can be written as


where \(B_\nu(T)\) is the blackbody radiation field (Planck’s law) and \(T_\mathrm{ex}\) is the excitation temperature, defined as


with \(k\) the Boltzmann constant and \(g_1\) and \(g_2\) the statistical weights of the lower and upper level respectively. The excitation temperature is thus the temperatue we need to plug into the Boltzmann equation to get the observed level ratio. In LTE, the kinetic temperature equals the excitation temperature, and the levels are indeed populated according to the Boltzmann distribution. But in non-LTE, this is not true, and the excitation temperature is different from the kinetic temperature.

In summary, we need to know the level populations (i.e. the excitation temperature) in order to compute the radiation field. To do this, we first need to consider another process that can populate and depopulate the energy levels of an atom: collisions, for example with hydrogen or electrons. The rate of collision-induced transitions between two levels \(i\) and \(j\) is given by \(C_{ij}=K_{ij}(T_\mathrm{kin})n_\mathrm{col}\) where \(K_{ij}(T_\mathrm{kin})\) is the collision rate coefficient in m3s-1 and \(n_\mathrm{col}\) is the number density of the collision partner. The collision rate coefficient in general depends on the kinetic temperature of the collision partner. If several collision partners are present, the total rate is simply the sum of the individual rates.

We can now write down the equations of statistical equilibrium (SE) that determine the level population. In SE, we assume that processes that populate a level are balanced by processed depopulate it. Thus, for every level \(i\), we write

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}x_i}{\mathrm{d}t} = \sum_{j>i}(x_jA_{ji}+(x_jB_{ji}-x_iB_{ij})\bar{J}_{ji}) - \sum_{j<i}(x_iA_{ij}+(x_iB_{ij}-x_jB_{ji})\bar{J}_{ij}) + \sum_{j\neq i}(x_jC_{ji}-x_iC_{ij}) = 0\]

where \(x_k=\frac{n_k}{n}\) is the fractional population of level \(k\). In the above equation, the positive terms populate the level, while the negative terms depopulate the level.

The level populations can be computed by solving this linear system of equations. But there is a problem: we see that to solve for the level populations, we need to know the radiation field \(\bar{J}\). This is a fundamental issue in radiative transfer: to compute the radiation field, we need to know the level population. But in order to compute the level population, we need to know the radiation field.

Escape probability

One way to solve this problem is to use an escape probability method to decouple the computation of the level population from the computation of the radiation field. We consider the probability \(\beta\) of a newly created photon to escape the cloud. This probability depends on the geometry of the cloud and the optical depth. In a completely opaque case, we expect the radiation field to equal the source function. Thus, we write \(J_\nu=(1-\beta(\tau_\nu))S_\nu=(1-\beta(\tau_\nu))B_\nu(T_\mathrm{ex})\). If we plug the corresponding expression for \(\bar{J}\) into the SE equations, they become independent of the radiation field and can be solved, because \(\tau_\nu\) and \(T_\mathrm{ex}\) only depend on the level population.

In practice, an iterative approach is used to solve the SE equations: one makes a first guess of the level populations and computes the corresponding escape probability, which is used to compute a new solution of the SE equations. This is repeated until convergence. Finally, the converged level population is used to compute the emitted flux and the radiative transfer problem is solved.

An external radiation field \(I_\mathrm{ext}\) can also contribute to the excitation of the atoms. This is easily incorporated in the calculation by adding a term \(\beta I_\mathrm{ext}\) to \(J_\nu\).

Let’s consider the example of a uniform sphere. The escape probability for this geometry is calculated in [Osterbrock74] and given by

\[\beta(\tau_\nu) = \frac{3}{2\tau_\nu}\left(1-\frac{2}{\tau_\nu^2}+\left(\frac{2}{\tau_\nu}+\frac{2}{\tau_\nu^2}\right) e^{-\tau_\nu}\right)\]

where \(\tau_\nu\) is the optical depth of the diameter of the sphere. The flux at the surface of the sphere in [W/m2/Hz] is given by (see again [Osterbrock74])

\[F = 2\pi\frac{B_\nu(T_\mathrm{ex})}{\tau_\nu^2} \left(\frac{\tau_\nu^2}{2}-1+\left(\tau_\nu+1\right)e^{-\tau_\nu}\right)\]

Accelerated Lamda Iteration (ALI)

The task of computing the mean radiation field from the source function is generally represented with a ‘Lambda Operator’ like this:

\[J_\nu = \Lambda(S_\nu)\]

We mentioned earlier that the SE equations are solved iteratively. This approach falls into the class of Lamda Iteration methods. A first guess of the level population (which determines \(S_\nu\)) is made. The \(\Lambda\) operator allows to compute \(J_\nu\). From this, an updated \(S_\nu\) can be determined from the SE equations. And so on, until convergence is reached. In our case, the Lambda operator is given by

\[J_\nu=\Lambda(S_\nu)=\beta(S_\nu) I_\mathrm{ext}+(1-\beta(S_\nu))S_\nu\]

where \(I_\mathrm{ext}\) is the external field. However, the Lambda Iteration method is known to converge extremely slowly at large optical depth. In fact, one can easily be fooled to think that convergence is reached, while in reality one is far from convergence. Without going into detail, the basic reason is that the number of iterations corresponds to the number of scattering events that are treated. For large optical depth, a photon is scattered many times before it exits the cloud. Thus, many iterations are necessary.

There is a method to circumvent this problem known as Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI). Details can be found in [Rybicki91] and the lectures notes of Dullemond, sections 4.4 and 7.8–7.10. The basic idea is to decompose the Lambda opertor like this:

\[\Lambda = \Lambda^*+(\Lambda-\Lambda^*)\]

and then iterate using the \((\Lambda-\Lambda^*)\), while keeping the \(\Lambda^*\) out of the iteration scheme. The simplest choice for \(\Lambda^*\) is the local part of the operator. In 3D, \(\Lambda\) can be represented as a matrix, and the local part would be the diagonal, corresponding to the self-coupling of each grid cell. Loosly speaking, by splitting out the local contribution, photons that scatter within the same grid cell are not considered in the iteration, resulting in considerably faster convergence. This is reasonable since we are not interested in what photons do at sub-cell resolution.

In our case, the ALI scheme is found by inserting the expression for \(J_\nu\) into the SE equations. By expressing the source function in terms of the Einstein coefficients, one finds

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}x_i}{\mathrm{d}t} = \sum_{j>i}(x_jA_{ji}\beta+(x_jB_{ji}-x_iB_{ij})\beta I_\mathrm{ext}) - \sum_{j<i}(x_iA_{ij}\beta+(x_iB_{ij}-x_jB_{ji})\beta I_\mathrm{ext}) + \sum_{j\neq i}(x_jC_{ji}-x_iC_{ij}) = 0\]

These are the equations that pythonradex iteratively solves.

Difference between pythonradex and RADEX

There is a difference between the outputs of RADEX and pythonradex. The RADEX output \(T_R\) (or the corresponding flux outputs) is intended to be directly compared to telescope data. To be more specifc, from the computed optical depth and excitation temperature, RADEX first computes \(I_\mathrm{tot} = B_\nu(T_\mathrm{ex})(1-e^{-\tau}) + I_\mathrm{bg}e^{-\tau}\), i.e. the total intensity at the line centre that is recorded at the telescope, where \(I_\mathrm{bg}\) is the background radiation. This is the sum of the radiation from the gas (first term) and the background radiation attenuated by the gas (second term). From this, the observer will subtract the background (or, in other words, the continuum), giving \(I_\mathrm{measured} = I_\mathrm{tot} - I_\mathrm{bg} = (B_\nu(T_\mathrm{ex})-I_\mathrm{bg})(1-e^{-\tau})\). The RADEX output \(T_R\) is the Rayleigh-Jeans temperature corresponding to \(I_\mathrm{measured}\). On the other hand, pythonradex computes the line flux directly, i.e. the output corresponds simply to the photons coming from the gas alone. In general, one can directly compare the amount of observed ‘gas photons’ to \(I_\mathrm{measured}\) as long as \(B_\nu(T_\mathrm{ex}) \gg I_\mathrm{bg}\).

Detailed documentation of pyhonradex

Radiative transfer

The core of pyhonradex is the Nebula class which is used to solve the radiative transfer.

class pythonradex.nebula.Nebula(datafilepath, geometry, ext_background, Tkin, coll_partner_densities, Ntot, line_profile, width_v, partition_function=None, verbose=False)

Represents an emitting gas cloud

  • emitting_molecule: EmittingMolecule
    An object containing atomic data and line profile information
  • geometry: str
    geometry of the gas cloud
  • ext_background: func
    function returning the external background radiation field for given frequency
  • Tkin: float
    kinetic temperature of colliders
  • coll_partner_densities: dict
    densities of the collision partners
  • Ntot: float
    total column density
  • rate_equations: RateEquations
    object used to set up and solve the equations of statistical equilibrium
  • verbose: bool
    if True, additional information is printed out

The following attributes are available after the radiative transfer has been solved:

  • tau_nu0: numpy.ndarray
    optical depth of each transition at the central frequency.
  • level_pop: numpy.ndarray
    fractional population of levels.
  • Tex: numpy.ndarray
    excitation temperature of each transition.
__init__(datafilepath, geometry, ext_background, Tkin, coll_partner_densities, Ntot, line_profile, width_v, partition_function=None, verbose=False)
datafilepath: str
path to the LAMDA data file that contains the atomic data
geometry: str
geometry of the gas cloud. Currently available are “uniform sphere”, “uniform sphere RADEX”, “face-on uniform slab” and “uniform shock slab RADEX”. Here, “uniform sphere RADEX” uses the forumla for a uniform sphere for the escape probability and the formula for a uniform slab to calculate the flux, as in the original RADEX code. The “face-on uniform slab” represents a thin slab (think of a face-on disk). The “uniform shock slab RADEX” is a slab as calculated in the original RADEX code.
ext_background: func
The function should take the frequency in Hz as input and return the background radiation field in [W/m2/Hz/sr]
Tkin: float
kinetic temperature of the colliders
coll_partner_densities: dict
number densities of the collision partners in [1/m3]. Following keys are recognised: “H2”, “para-H2”, “ortho-H2”, “e”, “H”, “He”, “H+”
Ntot: float
total column density in [1/m2]
line_profile: str
type of line profile. Available are “Gaussian” and “rectangular”.
width_v: float
width of the line in [m/s]. For Gaussian, this is the FWHM.
partition_function: func
Partition function. If None, partition function will be calculated from the atomic data provided by the datafile
verbose: bool
if True, additional information is printed out

Compute the observed spectra and total fluxes for each line. This requires that the radiative transfer has been solved. This method computes the attributes obs_line_fluxes (total observed line fluxes in W/m2) and obs_line_spectra (observed line spectra in W/m2/Hz).

solid_angle: float
the solid angle of the source in [rad2]

print out the results from the radiative transfer computation. Can only be called if the radiative transfer has been solved.


Solves the radiative transfer by iterating and initialises new attributes that contain the solution.

Reading LAMDA files

pyhonradex provides a convenient function in the LAMDA_file module to read files from the LAMDA database:

pythonradex.LAMDA_file.read(datafilepath, read_frequencies, read_quantum_numbers=False)

Read a LAMDA data file.

Reads a LAMDA data file and returns the data in the form of a dictionary. The LAMDA database can be found at http://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~moldata/molformat.html

datafilepath : str
path to the file
read_frequencies : bool
Read the radiative transition frequencies from the file rather than computing them from the level energies. This can be useful since frequencies are sometimes given with more significant digits. However, the LAMDA standard does not require a file to list the frequencies.
read_quantum_numbers : bool
Read the quantum numbers from the file. The LAMDA standard does not require a file to list quantum numbers though.

Dictionary containing the data read from the file. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • ‘levels’: list of levels (instances of the Level class)
  • ‘radiative transitions’: list of radiative transitions (instances of RadiativeTransition class)
  • ‘collisional transitions’: dict, containing lists of instances of the CollisionalTransition class for each collision partner appearing in the file
  • ‘quantum numbers’: list containing quantum number string for all levels. Empty if read_quantum_numbers=False

The elements of these lists are in the order they appear in the file

The data is returned using the following classes:

class pythonradex.atomic_transition.Level(g, E, number)

Represents an atomic/molecular energy level

  • g: float
    statistical weight
  • E: float
    energy in [J]
  • number: int
    the level number (0 for the lowest level)
class pythonradex.atomic_transition.RadiativeTransition(up, low, A21, nu0=None)

Represents the radiative transition between two energy levels

  • up: Level
    upper level
  • low: Level
    lower level
  • Delta_E: float
    energy difference between upper and lower level
  • name: str
    transition name, for example ‘3-2’ for the transition between the fourth and the third level
  • A21: float
    Einstein A21 coefficient
  • nu0: float
    central frequency of the transition
  • B21: float
    Einstein B21 coefficient
  • B12: float
    Einstein B12 coefficient
Tex(x1, x2)

Excitation temperature

Computes the excitation temperature from the fractional population

x1: array_like
fractional population of the lower level
x2: array_like
fractional population of the upper level
excitation temperature in K
class pythonradex.atomic_transition.CollisionalTransition(up, low, K21_data, Tkin_data)

Represent the collisional transtion between two energy levels

  • up: Level
    upper level
  • low: Level
    lower level
  • Delta_E: float
    energy difference between upper and lower level
  • name: str
    transition name, for example ‘3-2’ for the transition between the fourth and the third level
  • K21_data: numpy.ndarray
    value of the collision rate coefficient K21 at different temperatures
  • log_K21_data: numpy.ndarray
    the logarithm of K21_data
  • Tkin_data: numpy.ndarray
    the temperature values corresponding to the K21 values
  • log_Tkin_data: numpy.ndarray
    the logarithm of the temperature values
  • Tmax: float
    the maximum temperature value
  • Tmin: float
    the minimum temperature value
Tex(x1, x2)

Excitation temperature

Computes the excitation temperature from the fractional population

x1: array_like
fractional population of the lower level
x2: array_like
fractional population of the upper level
excitation temperature in K

collisional transition rates

computes the collisional transition rate coefficients by interpolation.

Tkin: array_like
kinetic temperature in K. Must be within the interpolation range.
The keys “K12” and “K21” of the dict correspond to the collision coefficients at the requested temperature(s)

helpers module

The helpers module provides a number of convenience functions, some of which might be of interest to the user.

pythonradex.helpers.B_nu(nu, T)

Planck function

Return the value of the Planck function (black body) in [W/m2/Hz/sr].

nu : float or numpy.ndarray
frequency in Hz
T : float or numpy.ndarray
temperature in K
Value of Planck function in [W/m2/Hz/sr]

generates a function that gives the CMB background at redshift z

z: float
function giving CMB background in [W/m2/Hz/sr] for an input frequency in [Hz]

Zero intensity radiation field

Returns zero intensity for any frequency

nu: array_like
frequency in Hz
Zero at all requested frequencies

Convert FWHM of a Gaussian to standard deviation.

FWHM: float or numpy.ndarray
FWHM of the Gaussian
float or numpy.ndarray
the standard deviation of the Gaussian


I would like to thank Simon Bruderer for his helpful clarifications about the ALI method.

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